Friday, June 29, 2007,6:05 PM
Dong liang is going to have another version of his new inside got CD+DVD!WOO! Im definitly going to buy! waiting for 6/7.
:( Yesterday gastric pain!.....when im having drawing happened...and that time...i was like sweating cold sweat. Lol...yesterday i saw the wrong timing for the clock. I thought is the end it is 9.45am!!!! I got lesson at 10.10am!!! Wa kao....i was like wat the faster run downstair to catch a taxi...heng ah...1min when i was waiting a taxi came.
So i tell the uncle to go to nanyang poly....den he reply nanyang poly ah?...i say ya.
Den he drive and drive....den i realise not quite right...becoz the way to nanyang poly should not be driving towards bedok wat....
And there he drove me to temasek poly....i was thinking to myself...wa lao...uncle im already running late and u still drive me to temasek...i was like dotz....
Den i tell the nanyang poly leh....
The uncle: Nanyang?!.....nanyang.....
Me: Ya...nanyang.....Ang Mo Kio that 1....
Uncle: Oh! nanyang....
Me......dotz sia....late until like hell liao....super unlucky day sia....
Ok den he drove super fast to my sch ...10.14am i reached the
Den i faster chiong to the class....den when i reached the classroom....i realise teacher haven even! Den 10.20am he den appeared. im going back to malaysia! woohooo!!!!
Now is 6.30pm...30min i need to go....i will take photo when i get there tata!
GOODBYE! See u all on mon!! haha.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007,9:11 PM
【娛樂百分百 2007-06-23】張棟樑 我家也有大明星
我猜我猜我猜猜猜 23-06-2007
张栋梁 dong liang in 我猜我猜我猜猜猜( I GUESS show) super funny! He got frighten by those gays! Wahahaha! MUZ WATCH!
UPDATED! visit my youtube website!
Sunday, June 24, 2007,10:33 PM
He cried....sob....Visit my youtube website.
Saturday, June 23, 2007,9:39 PM
Today is 棟樑 演唱會! Very nice~!!!!! I watch it Live online. The before the last few songs....he said those words really very touching.....he cried when he saying those words....he say he this few days very stress and sick....he really need to take care of his health....see him everyday so stress . Well i almost cry when he say those words...many of his fans cried below the stage....he really put a lot of effort....well hope him he can recover as soon as possible...:)
Friday, June 22, 2007,3:11 AM
SOOOOO long never blog....wahahaha! Today will post a short 1,no mood to blog....
张栋粱 zhang dong liang his new ablum so nice!!! Love his new hair style! 23/6 his 王子演唱会, i wan to go!!! But it is in Taiwan! Haiz.....this time he going to dance!!!! I WAN TO GO!!!! Wa....sobx. Ok....haiz....his new 4th MV 陌路,so nice!!!....he really look like a prince in this MV! So cute!!!! hahaha.

OH MY GOD! So Shuai!

Many ppl feel that he look like Korean.
If u watch some of his videos, he really look like Korean singer. cute...i whether how he make the towel into like that.
Friday, June 08, 2007,11:51 PM
,12:26 AM
HOI HOI! Too lazy to write in the blog....These few days i too sick...monday having a fever, now recover a bit onli....still got block nose and cough....Today ah...worst....having a block nose in class and together wif cough....Wa lao u neo hor....block nose and u need to breathe using mouth the feeling is super not nice lor...and den in bus oso....
Lol...nothing to write here...coz really very lazy to write again...coz juz now dunno y my com siao 1....the whole post become a clean white blank....sian lor...acturally write a lot dun wan to write the same thing again...hehe..
Here are some hw that i finished past few days...

Sketch of the Fruit....its the water apple!
Wednesday, June 06, 2007,11:06 PM
Woohoo! i love 張棟樑 and 王心凌!!! Becoz of they act in the 微笑 Pasta!!!! Love seeing them together for show haha.This show might upload very plz wait...thx. Muz watch this show!!! coz that stupid jacky wu did a very funny and disgusting thing in that
【2007-06-03 周日八点党】預告 - 張棟樑 王心凌
【2007-06-03 周日八点党】張棟樑 王心凌 (案发现场躲貓貓 ) Part 1
【2007-06-03 周日八点党】張棟樑 王心凌 (案发现场躲貓貓 ) Part 2
【2007-06-03 周日八点党】張棟樑 王心凌 (案发现场躲貓貓 ) Part 3
【2007-06-03 周日八点党】張棟樑 王心凌 (案发现场躲貓貓 ) Part 4
【2007-06-03 周日八点党】張棟樑 王心凌 (案发现场躲貓貓 ) Part 5
【2007-06-03 周日八点党】張棟樑 王心凌 (案发现场躲貓貓 ) Part 6
【2007-06-03 周日八点党】張棟樑 王心凌 (案发现场躲貓貓 ) Part 7
【2007-06-03 周日八点党】張棟樑 王心凌 (案发现场躲貓貓 ) Part 8
【2007-06-03 周日八点党】張棟樑 王心凌 (案发现场躲貓貓 ) Part 9
【完全娛樂 2007-05-31】全新企劃-娛樂第一味預告
Lol...this new game in 完全娛樂 is so going to watch this new coming game in 完全娛樂! YAY! tml is 張棟樑 turn to play the new game in 完全娛樂! Tml MUZ watch!
Saturday, June 02, 2007,1:48 AM
張棟樑 - 王子
張棟樑 - 錯了再錯MV(完整版)
張棟樑 - 王子MV(完整版)
原來這才是真的你 (完整版)