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Saturday, August 18, 2007,4:46 PM

Hello! Happy week! Sunday and Monday went to dong liang autography and Live concert! Damn nice 1. So many first time on that week. First time see him in person, first time shake his warm big hand, first time talk to him, first time went to someone autography, first time got his signture......so many first time. Woo!!! So happpppppppppyyyyyyyy! haha.
Here r some pics:

Dong liang really love kids a lot. Everytime he saw kids coming up the stage, he would smile very happily.

This pic really very funny. He try to kipnap one of his fans kid! The boy boy going to cry liao lah, coz he got a shock dong liang hug him away.

Woo! He looked over here!

This pic he took it after the concert in Temasek Poly. His fans gave him a lot of flowers, so he took it. So cute! (The flowers he receive is more than this)

Wan to see more pics? Look over here my other blog:http://www.pixnet.net/home/prince7night

Wanna neo more abt him? Look over here:http://www.onlynicholas.com/


Tuesday, August 07, 2007,8:14 PM

Oh ya add on for yesterday beach, i forgot to tell u all this funny thing i and wern think of. We were talking abt the temasek poly having this dong liang coming on mon, and he is going to find 1 princess on that day!(coz his new album is call prince) And den we say JJ lin jun jie will do wat if he come to singapore. Haha so coz his new album is Killer, so he will find a victim for him to kill when performing, lol. Den i add on, those female fans muz be excited coz they would say" wo si du yuan yi!!!! (I am willing to die in JJ hands!!!!) haha. Ohya, those who wan to be princess on that day, muz wear sliver high heel on 12/8,den the final pk will be 13/8. Well, i will of course, not wear lah. Evem through is dong liang, but i dun wear high heel, so painful!!! And it is sliver leh, i think will be ugly for me haha.

Ohya, today too bored so i tried out the new camera i brought, and there is this editor for us. It is in psp cd format. So i play wif it, quite fun. Very funny, but it is in jap. I dunno how to read so i juz anyhow press. lol, i made this pic like got angel 1, den another i make myself into ...erm...dunno how to describe.haha.U see leh u will neo.

And ya, today wern sms me say got this person committed suicide at the tampines mrt, coz her leature juz got back frm there. Dunno issit real anot, later look at the news lor.

Anyone wanna go out on National Day? The ususal people? We will be going out to beach in the morning den we will be going to marina south to play pool or bowling, den at night we go eat the most nice steamboat at there. Wan? Those who wan sms me, or either tag here to tell me u r going. Tml i will sms u all again for the time again. Thx!
Angel coming down!
Where is the angel?

No need to tell me anything.

Coz i neo i look like a idiot in this pic. Haha, juz for fun!

Looking GOOD!

,12:42 AM

Yoiz! Im back! Today went to the beach wif wern, after i brought my psp camera! Woo! so happy! It cost onli 69 bucks, coz before it is 80+ dollars. So i tested out wif my camera on the beach! Very clear! Nice 1! Plz enjoy!

Lol? Ghost eating la men.

My hair haven comb yet! The wind is blowing it haha.


Oh ya, thx for Mei Qin for helping me getting ticket for dong liang tp live concert. Tml i will try to call in oso, haha.

Thursday, August 02, 2007,8:39 PM

Yup! This is my colour theory assignment 03 artwork! Haha, this work is super late 1, last min work.This work acturally muz be using 3 weeks to do, but i used onli 1 night to do the whole thing out.Haha damn late 1, so the work is not the best and not the good ones.My artwork is abt a air plane crushing down, and many ppl died during the incident. So this is my first one. ( i used photoshop to do it)

My black and white rough.
My colour rough! The flower feel so funny, coz i don't really bother abt it liao since it is last min work, haha.
My Final artwork which i enlarge it to A4, I chosen the 2nd panel. Coz i think thats the best, and i like the colour contrast too.:)

This is wat i did for cynthia birthday card. No time to do, so it is a last min work too. haha. The shape is in teddy bear shape.
Yup, and thats all for today. I now need to rush for my codid now. Last min work again! Need to do a lot of things. Guess that tonight no need to sleep again.Haizz.....SAVE ME PLZ!

,3:21 PM

Hoi hoi! Im in class now! Today very tired, have slept for a few hrs onli! Haiz haven even start my presentation preparation for tml! Tonight going to be a sleepless night!

I will upload 1 of my best artwork i think so, so please comment! I used the photoshop to edit it, but it seem like the artwork been divided into two, becoz i really dunno how to use photoshop, haha. NYP,Block M

Later i got test, so wish me good luck den! Looking GOOD!haha!

,12:59 AM

Hoi Hoi! Well, really very long time never blog, never even open the website to look at it. But this blog is not dead! ok?! It is juz that I got too much things to do, and im not in the mood to write the blog. Im so srry to those who come to my blog and see nothing but juz the very old post! Well, today im going to write a super damn emo blog, I got consider not to post it lah. But well I think I shall post it to let u all neo wat happen this few weeks. So please ren!!! Haha!

Ok, well, this few weeks, really got a lot of hw is to due this week and next week. So really very tired. Many times is that I never sleep for the night or I juz slept for a few hrs.
Im going to have panda eyes liao lah! This digital media design really need to consuming a lot of time, muz be hardworking, muz have the talent and oso creative to be able to stay in this course. That’s wat I think for this course. But u neo im not such a person to be hardworking, talent or have such a creativity, coz my o level I really never study anything and juz go up and take the test. So I really feel that im not in a right course I should be, and I think that im not suit in there. Im not really happy in this course, im having a terrible life in there. Wat I feel is that if I chosen the right thing to do, I will put my best in it. I will be happy, the process in doing it will be enjoyable! Even if It means to spend my whole time in doing it, I will really do and spend the time in doing it. But this few months in this course, I really do not have all those feeling.

I really think through careful abt quiting this course and transfer to other sch to take another course. I guess I will see first if this few weeks or months, I can tahan for this course anot. If I would to take another course I think I will take business course, becoz that is wat I really like to do. Although u all will think im wasting time doing all this, well I guess let it be. But I feel that this is a real life lesson to learn frm, I learn that in every choice u make, u muz think carefully if u really like or u wan. My theory is that MISTAKE=LESSON TO BE LEARN FRM. No such thing as the word mistake will appear in my dictionary. This is wat I believe in. Frenz, dun try to persuade me to think carefully lah, coz I really think this a lot of time liao, It is juz that when is the time I really cannot take it and quit it. I dun wan to have a miserable life in this sch and this course for 3 years. I wan to be Happy! Wat can I do? This is a reality.

Few days again, my com msn got virus frm dunno who lah, it keep sending msg saying : Look at my pic! Lol, that’s was funny, but there is no link. I super angry lah, the thing juz will not go off, so I did not use msn for that few days. And that something is wrong wif my internet during that time. Aiya, something is juz not right during that time. God give me a unlucky angel, it keep hurting and hurting me. Im having a super tired body wif me, juz wondering whether I could take off this body and be free. Nah, that would never happen! There are so much thing to do for me. I will not be so stupid ok?!

The onli thing I can use to distress myself is music, music is really incredible! It can help me distress. I can’t wait for holiday to come!

This is such a long post! My msn really got prob, it keep on and off! So sian……So u have read until here?! Good girl/boy! Muz have ren very long ba! Haha!

Friday, July 06, 2007,12:38 AM

[WARNING!] [This post is not meant for children to look at!]

KILL THOSE BLOODY TEACHERS! if i have to create a game, i will create a students killing teachers type of game....LOL! GOOD IDEA LEH. Haha!
Well, if u see my post, dun think i siao...they really sux lah if u meet them in person.
See their stupid bloody face make me sick! I can't even stand to breathe the same air wif them, it make me more sick! Stand in face of them, make me wan to use a knife and juz chop off their head.
Keep critize us! DAMN FUCKING they all! Call us wat slacker, attitude problem.....they oso got this attitude problem wat! Can't they juz encourage us?! Need to scold us until like wat?! An animal?! SUX! SUX! SUX!
Kena second warning letter without even knowing got 1st warning letter of absent, sian....Wat the hell is this sch for?! Damn it.
Make me so damn angry!!!! CURSE THEM!CURSE THEM! lol.
Hate singapore education, and some of the teachers attitude!

By the angry reddish lychee.

Monday, July 02, 2007,11:54 PM

Journey to Malaysia (haha)

29 June 2007,

7.00pm, my family left house. 8.00pm, we arrived the first checkpoint. The qeunce is quite ok……but the line is very slow. Dunno y so slow……den when we reach the first pay up, there is the normal pay up….meaning pay up using cash. And the other type is using tap card (Touch and go card), my father he got an old tap card….he dunno there is expire date for that card, cause my uncle say there is no expire date. So he went to the touch and go area. In the end, the card of course cannot use. Thus, the cars behind us are all horning , wat a unlucky day.

11 ++pm, we reached my grandparent’s house. We went to eat at the nearby coffee shop with my grandfather, the food there quite nice and it cost 40 bucks(Malaysia money) onli.

Den we went to sleep at abt 1.00am. My father, younger brother and I slept in air-con room. My mother and my 2nd elder brother slept at the normal room coz they too scare to slept in air-con room.

30 June 2007,

9.00am, we went to the Ong Kim Wee ( dun misunderstood, the road name is this) to eat the famous Da Bao (大包), we always went there in the morning when we always go to Malaysia. We love the Da Bao there, it is super nice 1 lor... The bao got a lot of juice inside.... Den we oso order other small dish of food. Eating Da Bao wif the tea is such a perfect combination. Yunmmy!haha. Den someone came to sell durian, den my father went to look an brought 2 big big package.

Den we went to matchmaking girl side house( my 2nd brother have matchmaking which is arranged by my grandmother and mother.), my brother dunno we are going there. LOL. Guess wat?! The girl not at house...... but their house is very big and cheap too. Den after self induction, my parent and grandparent start talking wif the girl side parent. Talk ,talk and talk. My 2nd brother , younger brother and me got nothing to talk. So boring lah when they talk, so I play game in my hp. Ok, my brother I think he quite angry, coz when my mother say got matchmaking, he reject going to Malaysia. After talking for abt 1hr, at 12noon, we left. Both parties parent very happy, remember is parent onli...lol...

We went to my parent shop there to see the revolution. I took some pics on the way home.

Abt 4pm, after eaten our lunch, my auntie which is my uncle’s wife... have a quarrel wif my mother over the maid problem. Becoz she too lazy to cook meals and do housework for my grandmother, so we get a maid for her. But the maid ran away a few months ago......den now got no one to take care of my grandmother. So my mother tell my auntie to be hardworking, juz wan her to cook simple meals for my grandmother.....and so ended quarreling....lol..... actually I oso dun like her......the whole of our family dun like her.

Den after that, we ate durian. So damn full lah. Coz the durian is very yellowish and the fresh is a lot......That is the very good durian, coz the durian very hard to open. Together the cost of this durian is 300++ over.

Next we went to visit our relative , we gave some fruits and durian.
After that our uncle took us to the night market. Woo..the night market so damn nice lah....it is something like the Taiwan night market. Got a lot of nice food and nice display items.....like necklace....Aiya.....i never took pics on the night market coz I forgot to bring my camera sob....T_T Den when we get back home it is already 12.30pm. We watch the pirate dvd......den every1 1 by 1 went up to sleep, leaving me alone watch......quite scared lah that time coz u neo Malaysia....got malay ghost something like that and den still got robber wor.....

Oh ya before uncle bring us to night market….that is a quarrel between my that noisy auntie and the rest of the family. I forgot y it started lah, I onli remember my grandmother so damn funny lah. Coz my auntie cry and say: “ Nobody neo I hide alone to cry….” Den my grandmother shout: “ WOO!” I was like =_=” ppl say such a sad thing den u woo….lol….den the whole family laugh….den she shout woo again for a few time…when my auntie keep repeating those words.Lol…my grandmother so cute sia.

And on that day I slept at 2pm….

31 June 2007,

8.30pm I woke up, coz my mother ask wan to go eat da bao again anot…so I decided to go lor…coz when I get back to Singapore I will not get to eat the same da bao again….9pm we went to the same stall again. Ohya….i recommend if u all go there eat…muz order the small dish of tou fu. Coz it is oso damn nice 1….the tou fu so damn damn soft. When we all always eat this kind of morning breakfast….we will be super full 1.

After I think 10.10am, we went to buy the car accessory, suddenly when shop halfway, it rain super heavily. We went back home after that.
Late, my family set off to visit my grandfather(father side). I love going that place, coz got Rambutan, Mangosteen and durian trees planted around the house. The way to go to there is very far away, becoz it is somewhere near the mountain top. When going there, there will be a lot of water lilies floating on the river, a very nice place. We stop halfway to drink the coconut drink and eat its fresh. Road by stall always sell the freshest food….the coconut fresh …wha…damn nice la….super soft not like those coconut that is put for a long time the fresh become very hard. The coconut juice ah….very refreshing and sweet! After eat eating and drinking, we set off again.

We took abt erm…40min to get there. Woo! Really got a lot of rambutan! Juz nice…it juz rip.
So my father went to take the long cutter to get the rambutan. The most thing I hate Is that the stupid crawling ants. Rambutan will have a lot of ants around them…those ants will bite ppl. I kena bite by those ants dunno how many times liao. We will use the water to wash all the ants away…but….dunno y the ants so hard to end their lives…even through it is in the water it can still live….

Den after that we went to collect Mangosteen, but heng Mangosteen dun have ants around them.
My mother tried 1, and say very sweet. I haven tried it yet…coz the shell is so damn hard…I dunno how to open it…lol…. We collected a big bag of rambutan and Mangosteen. We did not collect durian coz there is no more durian!!!! My relative all take the durian liao…sob…we r late.Haha.

Ok….dunno at wat time we wanted to went back home to prepare coz today leaving. Den my father saw this road stall selling dragon fruit, the dragon fruit is very large wor. Den behind the stall there is dragon fruit and pineapple plantation . Lol....so we went in to take pics. This my first time saw dragon fruit plantation. The plant look a lot like the cactus plant. Den the fruit muz be cover by plastic to prevent birds or insects frm eating the fruit. The dragon fruit ah…we tried before buying…it is red fresh leh…in Singapore there is onli a few ppl selling this kind of dragon fruit….and its is very sweet! Very different frm the normal white fresh dragon fruit. The colour very nice.

We went to my uncle ( the one who take us to night market) motor shop. My mother ask him to order more durian frm his frenz….den he took us to the nearby satay stall to eat satay. Very nice….coz the satay is when u eat finish the whole thing den they will den add satay into ur plate…so the whole satay is very hot when u eat it. The sauce oso very different frm the normal type of satay sauce. Wha…that day really keep eating sia…damn full. Guess how many sticks all together we ate? Together 6 ppl……ate 180+ sticks!!!! Lol…our family love to eat sia…1 sticks cost RM$0.45…so much way cheaper than the Singapore satay. All together cost $60 ++.

4.00++ liao…wha…so we rush home to prepare everything…. Pack and pack and pack…..The durian arrived….i dunno how many there is liao…I onli neo it the whole durian cost $200+ .
Aiyo…but hor those durian not nice to open 1…all so damn hard to open…my father say ah…if durian hard to open means their fresh all very good. Erm…everything pack into container….and total got 10 big container.Lol…eat so many durian…so damn heaty.

7.00pm, we left my grandmother house….lol…my father drive damn fast lah….actually the highway max. speed is onli 110 km/hr….my father drove 160km/hr =_=” scared me to death sia….Coz got few couple of times….he nearly crashed into cars…..If really crashed…I tell u…bye bye liao…..remember to give bai jin before my grave…..lol….haha.

11.30pm, reached home. Super tired…coz everyday is late sleep and early wake up.Im going to have panda eyes liao lah!!!!haha.

So today, damn tired….dun feel like going to sch….and den today youth day wor…so damn good for my younger brother lah…..T_T Today whole day dun feel like talking…coz not strength to open mouth to talk. Haha. Slept on the bus when on the way home….the head keep shaking fro and back lor….coz super tired and den got nothing to lean on, Den come back not sleepy liao…lol…wat wrong wif me man….haha. Ok tml still got drawing to do…need to wake up early even through tml 4pm den start sch…haha. Ok good night! Some day I will upload the pics I took at Malaysia! J V…haha.

Friday, June 29, 2007,6:05 PM

Dong liang is going to have another version of his new album...in inside got CD+DVD!
WOO! Im definitly going to buy! waiting for 6/7.

:( Yesterday gastric pain!.....when im having drawing lesson....it happened...and that time...i was like sweating cold sweat. Lol...yesterday i saw the wrong timing for the clock. I thought is 8.45am...in the end it is 9.45am!!!! I got lesson at 10.10am!!! Wa kao....i was like wat the F....lol....den faster run downstair to catch a taxi...heng ah...1min when i was waiting a taxi came.

So i tell the uncle to go to nanyang poly....den he reply nanyang poly ah?...i say ya.
Den he drive and drive....den i realise not quite right...becoz the way to nanyang poly should not be driving towards bedok wat....
And there he drove me to temasek poly....i was thinking to myself...wa lao...uncle im already running late and u still drive me to temasek...i was like dotz....
Den i tell the uncle...Uncle....is nanyang poly leh....
The uncle: Nanyang?!.....nanyang.....
Me: Ya...nanyang.....Ang Mo Kio that 1....
Uncle: Oh! nanyang....

Me......dotz sia....late until like hell liao....super unlucky day sia....

Ok den he drove super fast to my sch ...10.14am i reached the sch...lol...

Den i faster chiong to the class....den when i reached the classroom....i realise teacher haven even come...lol...lucky! Den 10.20am he den appeared.

Yay....today im going back to malaysia! woohooo!!!!
Now is 6.30pm...30min i need to go....i will take photo when i get there ...so tata!
GOODBYE! See u all on mon!! haha.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007,9:11 PM

【娛樂百分百 2007-06-23】張棟樑 我家也有大明星


我猜我猜我猜猜猜 23-06-2007

张栋梁 dong liang in 我猜我猜我猜猜猜( I GUESS show) super funny! He got frighten by those gays!
Wahahaha! MUZ WATCH!

UPDATED! visit my youtube website!